Why were you given your particular name?”
Mum said she thought it was nice – so she named me “Naomi”. I don’t particularly like it, others think its great! Growing up, I never knew any Naomi’s, even now I don’t know that many! I’m kind of glad I wasn’t given a name like Melissa, Michelle, Jessica etc – they are too *harsh* sounding and boring!
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I have two brothers, although one passed away at birth. His name was Nathan, he was born before me. I often wonder what it would be like to have an older brother – I think of him often. I also have a younger brother, Nick, who lives in Tassie with his girlfriend Sarah. He is 23, works in the payroll office of the Department of Health and Human Services. We are pretty close – despite the difference. He is smitten with Bella – we get to see him in a week!
What is your favourite thing to do?
Oh, depends on my mood! I love Facebook, yes I’ll admit it! I love doing craft with Bella, I love going shopping, I love reading, writing, studying, learning, drawing, painting, scrapbooking. I love the beach, sailing, picnics, watching TV. Actually, I really love going out for coffee with my hubby and daughter 
What is your favourite food?
Hmmmm….. chocolate
Others on the list include – chicken parma, mashed potato, pumpkin soup, raspberry syrup cake….. I really do have a sweet tooth!
What is your favourite book?
I have many – Cloudstreet, Redeeming Love, The Book Thief, House Rules, My Sisters Keeper, By The River
What is your favourite confectionary?
Whitakers Milk Chocolate – by far!! So much better than Cadburys! I also love toasting marshmallows on the stove
What is your favourite biscuit?
Oh, goodness! I have never really thought about this! I love a good Tim Tam Slam – only really works with tea though! I love Monte Carlos too – they are good dunked! I pretty much dunk every biscuit I eat – except for homemade ones – they don’t work as well! I’m more of a cake girl myself 
What is your favourite sport?
To play – tennis or squash. To watch – it would have to be diving, gymnastics or swimming
What is your favourite kind of music?
Oh, I have a huge range of taste in music! I love Elton John, Joshua Kaddison, Hillsong, Planetshakers, Chris Tomlin, Pink, Jeremy Camp, Amy Grant, Colin Buchanan (he really does get stuck in your head – although he is on practically 24/7 here!)
What is your favorite song?
Chris Tomlin’s version of “Amazing Grace”. Every time I hear it, I cry – even now I am tearing up! The words, “My chains are gone, I’ve been set free, my Saviour God has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy reigns, unending love, amazing grace”, get me every time!
What did you want to be when you grow up?
I always wanted to be a mum or a teacher. It had to be something to do with kids! I ended up going to Uni for 4 years to become a teacher, however then got pregnant straight away and became a mum!
How many kids do you want?
Hmm, we still have mixed feelings on this! Right now, we are extremely happy and content with one
Whether that will change in the future – not sure!
Where in the world would you like to visit?
So many places – yet pretty sure we will never get there! Would love to go to NZ, Finland, Scotland, London, Switzerland, Denmark, Rome, Canada, Holland
What is your favourite thing about yourself?
Ouch – tough question! I’ll try not to be negative. I like my boobs (haha – well I do!), my creativity, my laugh, my hair (sometimes!)
Do you like to sing?
Yes, very much so! My life would be bleak without music! I have been involved in a choir of some sorts since I was in Grade 3. I love to sing by myself, with others, anywhere really!
Do you like to play a musical instrument?
Yes, I like to play them – but it doesnt mean I am any good! I love to play the piano and am learning the violin at the moment! When I was at school, I always wanted to play the clarinet – however I have never even picked one up!
Have you ever seen a Broadway musical? Do you like theatre?
Can’t say that I have – but would love to! The only thing remotely “Broadway” I have been involved in was when we did “Anything Goes” by Cole Porter as our school production. I have very fond memories of this – I was a sailor and part of the ensemble. I can still perform some of the choreography from it – and I remember all the words to the songs. It was an amazing time in my life 
What are three adjectives which describe you?
creative, encouraging, inquisitive
In five years, what kind of person will you be?
Wow – I’d hope to be a better person – a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, employee. I’d like to be free from my fears – walking the path of my dreams – doing things that I never thought I would. Bella will be 7 and at school, and depending on whether we have any other children, I would be working as a chaplain in a Primary school
What are your favourite subjects in school?
Definitely English – I received the academic excellence award every year for English. Also loved Food Tech, Sociology, Psychology and Health Studies.
What is the strangest food you ever ate?
Hmm – I am really not into trying new things – like seriously! I can’t even eat out at a restaurant that is Chinese, Indian, Thai etc. I like to stick to things that I know. I like strange combinations though! While living on campus at Uni, I basically lived on rice with kecap manis and sour cream. I love jam and cheese sandwiches. I love peanut butter and celery. I love cheese on almost anything. I also love sour cream and tomato sauce on almost anything. When I was pregnant, I was known to have mayo on ice-cream.
Are you working in your chosen profession?
Well, I am in a way – I am a stay at home mum and that is one of the best jobs in the world! I have actually applied for a job starting in Feb next year – as an after school care assistant. It will be 5 days a week, from 3pm-6pm at a local primary school. I have had an interview and the coordinator asked me to come and work for a week in January – so looks like I most likely have the job! Still not set in concrete though, but looks very promising. This wouldn’t be my chosen profession, but kind of in the vicinity.
What is your dream job?
Working with young girls (grades 5-8) in areas of self-esteem, body image, peer pressure, adolescence, risk taking, confidence, self image, dreams, fears, anxieties. Would love to start programs in schools for this age group – run by myself at first, but then it becomes so big that I need to employ people to run them. God has given me a dream (literally) and I will never let go of it