Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our life lately

So, I am pretty much the slackest blogger ever! I keep thinking, “Oh, I need to update this!!”

So, here is a rundown of our life as of late – since the start of May :)

I turned 25 on the 23rd of May! It was a lovely day! Went to church in the morning, where Abraham stood up in the middle of the announcements and told the whole congregation that it was my birthday that day! Pretty sure I couldn't have gotten any more red!

That afternoon, we also had Anna (my sister in laws) Kitchen Tea. We played games, spoke blessings over her, cried, laughed, shouted and ate lots of yummy food :)

Then, of course, on the 28th, Anna and Hubert were married. It was a beautiful day! She will be living in Melbourne now, and I will definitely miss her!


We also had a family photo shoot in Torquay on the 22nd! My lovely cousin Tremayne took some absolutely beautiful photos. We had such a ball that day – really special family time and we have such fond memories captured in photos for us to look back on :)






In other news, I passed my 1st Trimester of Bible College!!!!! I am so happy! I wasn’t sure what to expect – but I now have confidence that I can do it! :)