Well, as you can see, I am not a very good blogger! I keep thinking, “Oh yes, I really should blog about this!” but then never do!
I have started Bible College and am finding the transition back into study harder than I thought! I am one to get really super organised, but take forever to actually get into the meat of things!
It’s also hard to find a chunk of time that I can just sit down and devote to study. Yes, Bella has a day sleep (which she should be doing right now, except I can hear her crying, wanting to play instead). But when Bella is sleeping, I will wash the dishes, do the washing, read a book, catch up on emails, tidy the toys, play with the dog – anything but study! Granted, its only been 2 weeks since I started, I just need to get into the swing of things. I am off to the library tomorrow while Abes looks after Bella.
I am also still working 2 days a week for EveryLabel.com.au. Abes dad runs the business with Anna (his daughter) and myself. It keeps my mind active and allows me to get paid :)
I am also doing better on the anxiety/OCD front. I have been seeing a GP and also a counsellor and have made some progress. It is so hard for me to admit that I am doing okay! I freak out because I am not freaking out! What is with that!? I am about 40% of the way there, which is better than the 0% I was at about a month ago.
He is such a patient man! I love him to bits! He is enjoying work, and even got to work down in Torquay yesterday! Nothing better than a walk on the beach during your lunch break and after work.
He is in the process of doing about 10 jobs around the house! We are starting our veggie garden, he built a compost bin, knocking down the dodgy veranda thing out the front, paving out the front, finishing the gate, getting rid of the rubbish pile so we can build a play area and the list goes on! I love having such a handy husband :)
She is currently in her cot crying (well, whinging), to be taken out and played with! She is not very well today, and needs her sleep. She was up 5-6 times last night just miserable. She got into our bed this morning with a fever, which has since gone. I love our thermometer! It takes 8 seconds or less and has a digital display that flashes the temp and then green (normal) yellow (mild) and red (high). She has been coughing a bit, and its starting to sound chesty. Her nose is running too :( Poor poppet!)
She took her first step a week ago, and it seems as if it was a fluke! She has certainly made no effort to do it again! Oh well, all in her own time I guess! I am the impatient one!
Her pead appointment went well also! Her hip x-ray and ultrasound were clear and the pead doesn't want to see her again :) She is now 16 months old and weighs 12kg, is 86cm long and can say 52 words :)
Okay, so that's about it from us! Oh….Abes and I will be going to a retreat for Bible College on the 22nd and 23rd of Feb :) Bella will be staying with Oma and Opa. We are so looking forward to it!
It was great reading your update!!! It'll probablly take a while to work out a routine for your studying especially with having Bella around! :) I'll be praying that you can get time to study :)
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