Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Special visitors

So, the past 5 days have been hectic, interesting, restful, boring, lonely and everything else!

Mum and dad flew down from QLD on Saturday afternoon and my brother also flew up from Tassie to visit us (well mainly Bella!)

They took her on Saturday night and she stayed at their apartment until Wednesday afternoon. I got to see her every day and spend time with her, mum and dad and my brother. But she slept there every night and had an absolute ball. She even slept in longer than she does at home! They must have tired her out!

They were on the go with her for the 5 days doing all sorts of stuff :) Bella learnt a new dance/song too! Poppy taught her the Hokey Pokey! She also acquired a new pair of slippers off mum (they are mums, but Bella wouldn't  put them down!)


My brother flew out on Monday night and mum and dad have just left for the airport. I’m pretty sure they had the time of their lives!

I had a lot of time on my hands when mum and dad had Bella! I thought I was going to get so much done, but ended up feeling quite lost and lonely without Bella here! I did get some study done and the house never looked so tidy though!

So, life is now going to get back to normal. I’m looking forward to it, but I will miss mum and dad.



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