Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Depression: un-Christian?

I was listening to the radio tonight (Focus on the Family) and there was a lady on there talking about how she took anti-depressants for her post-natal depression.

They then went on to talk about how in society some "diseases" are okay for Christians to have and some are not. Some Christians see cancer or an infection as alright to have, but depression and mental illness as not. They think that as a Christian you should be happy all the time and not let things get you down. And heaven forbid you take anti-depressants! They somehow see taking an antibiotic for an infection fine, but an anti-depressant for a mental illness a sin!

As a person with anxiety/OCD and a history of depression, this struck a chord with me. When I first started taking anti-depressants I didnt want my church friends to know. I felt like I would be judged and labelled as a mental case. It seems taboo in some Christian circles to talk about mental illness. Maybe it will reveal that we arent perfect!


Rebecca Matheson said...

it seems like sometimes Christians like to make their own grace up. That things have to be perfect and perfectly designed by them/us. It is terribly sad that so many Christians ignore things like this and shame them to the point of it being detrimental, it seems to me to be a greater shame that people cannot feel like they can be honest with what they are going through.

Vanessa Smith said...

Well they are the fools Naomi. It is a actual condition in the brain where there is a chemical imbalance. I have heard similar in the past but unless you have been through it I don't think people can comment and those that have done it without drugs, well good on them but that doesn't mean its that easy for everyone. Every single time I have gone through one of these times God always teaches me something but I don't see it until I'm alot better and I felt extremely close to God at these times. I needed to break the glass and get out and I believe God created doctors so why not use them.

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